Far Beyond the Descriptions. Lillian Ball — 2015 Anatta Trip
My adventures in Nepal began on a visit there with Anatta Outreach in 2015. When I met Cornelia and heard about the trip, I knew immediately it was the right timing.
We all met up in KTM and began the day-long odyssey to Buddha’s birthplace in Lumbini. Only a few months after the earthquake, there were rockslides and parades of windshieldless trucks.
I remember clearly when we arrived at the Peace Grove Nunnery we were greeted by the lovely girls with garlands of flowers and many kisses for Cornelia. Venerable Metteyya and his Dharma mother Bodhi Sakyadhita’s other endeavors there - clinics, schools, and institute, all went so far beyond the descriptions I had expected.
But what finally won my heart was the imperiled Lumbini Crane Sanctuary to protect the wildlife and Sarus Cranesthat had been in the area since Buddha’s time.
That was just the first of five subsequent trips to help the Sanctuary which would never have been possible without the kind generosity of Cornelia and the Anatta Program.
Rambro Cha Anatta!