You may remember Natalie Hernandez, Anatta's very first Reverse Scholarship recipient who returned to Nepal with our October 2016 Heavenly Himalayan Holiday group, this time to begin her gap year teaching English to our Metta School and Karuna Girls College students.
As one of her responsibilities, she will provide a monthly report to Anatta summarizing the progress as our 'on-site' humanitarian. November has been a busy month!
On November 5th the volunteers started the Metta School Beautification Project. This project was created by German volunteers Franzi and Carlotta with the help of Sell for a Well Charity and other donors. The goal is to repaint all 14 classrooms while giving students the creative freedom to paint their own original designs as well. Every Saturday a small group of students and volunteers come together to have fun and paint. So far 9 classrooms have been repainted and 3 rooms have student artwork. Soon the volunteers will go around the school and help students create artwork for a tile art project with the theme of friendship.
Following on November 8th the CEBA Lumbini Animal Clinic started with the tremendous help of Animal Nepal and Lumbini Social Service Foundation. The clinic which was held in Bodhi Institute ran for 4 straight days consisting of spay and neuter service, anti-rabies treatment, deworming and much more. The Animal Nepal team and volunteers not only ran around capturing dogs in the Animal Ambulance but spent time handing out information flyers. These flyers were used to help spread awareness/educate the village people on animal care. The number of treated animals grew each day ending with a total of 101 treated dogs!
Towards the end of the clinic Animal Nepal rescued a poor work horse that was suffering from a terrible wound on its leg. The horse was very malnourished and couldn’t walk correctly. Now “Harry” is staying at Peace Grove Nunnery, with a much better leg and lots of love.