Over the past 2 years Anatta and CEBA have co-sponsored an ongoing Auxiliary Nurse Midwife Training Program for local girls. The first 4 girls graduated in 2016. This is a remarkable achievement in a part of the world where girls are undervalued and often promised in marriage by 7-11 years of age! These girls have inspired their community and are true leaders of social change.
Three of our ANM nuns, Mudita, Dhammadhina, and Sudharma have offered their services as volunteers in the Compassion Clinic in the Tsum Valley of Nepal. This region in the high Himalaya was devastated in the massive 2015 earthquakes, and is now accessible only by helicopter.
During the earthquake recovery efforts conducted by our group in this region, a strong bond was formed between our Lumbini team, Global Karuna, and the Compassion Project in Tsum. Our first ANM graduates are now growing this connection by offering their medical services to this remote region.
This means that our ANM novice nuns will live for a year in this isolated region of the Himalaya, in a climate and culture that is completely unfamiliar to them. Growing up near sea level in the warm Terai on the India border, they have never before been in a high mountain nor snowy climate. They will also need to learn a new local language to communicate effectively and care for their new community.
Anatta is inspired by our ANMs courage and willingness to begin their careers in this way, completely without financial compensation. Although our ANMs have no expectations of financial gain, we understand that without a salaried position, they will not yet have fulfilled their career goals. Our educational programs aim to empower local women to become role models and change makers of their society. Without compensation their achievements will not be seen as useful, valuable or sustainable; standards by which society will measure their success. Women are held to a higher standard in order to overcome the cultural bias keeping them locked in the traditional roles of child bearing and uncompensated manual labor. To break free and become true pioneers, these women need to earn a living wage.
We intend to make this a reality and pay their salaries in this first year of their employment. With your help, we can encourage and support these future leaders to 'be the change'.
Please visit our fundraiser site to follow our progress: https://www.youcaring.com/anattaworldhealtheducationoutreach-711153